Top 10 Mistakes in Behavior Change

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  1. Relying on willpower for long-term changeYou cannot do that if you use only your willpower. Willpower is limited resource. It’s now proved: if you use your willpower, it’ll decrease and you wake-up one day with very important things to do in your life, but without energy to do so. And you’re in trouble. Willpower is not the key!
  2. Attempting big leaps instead of small steps.  Sometimes, we are so hungry to reach something that we want that we shortcut roads to get there. And it’s a mistake because it doesn’t work like that. Neither in Nature, nor Social communities it doesn’t work like that. Change never occurs all at once. Big changes happen through small steps. Through evolutionary steps, a continuosu work of adaptation. Think for a while and see things around you: what do you see that suddenly changed? Nothing!
  3. Ignoring how Environmet shapes.  It does, for sure it does: Environment shapes. Isnt’ it stupid ignoring it? You belong to a company? Your colleagues are shaping you. You are a football players? Your fellows are shaping you. You’re watching television for hours? What you’re watching at is shaping you. If we wanna change, we’d better choose the environment where to grow: and it has something to do with your company, your city, the movies you watch, the books you read. Changing environment changes you. For sure!
  4. Trying to stop old behaviors instead of creating new ones. Sometimes we behave like those stupid white mouses used for lab experiments. We insist bumping against a wall, instead of using our endless mind and look for alternative, side solutions. So, let’s forget about the past, let’s open the doors to serendipity, let’s open the doors to the New!
  5. Blaming failures on lack of motivation. No need for blaming at all. Failure is THE smart way Nature engineered to le us learn and Grow!
  6. Underestimating the power of triggers. The biggest men and women on the planet became big thanks to a trigger. A magic one they stored inside themselves. What did actionate it? The environment, of course!
  7. Believing that Information leads to Action. Nothing more false than that. We’re invaded by Information, and it sometimes stops instead of boosting us. Information is just a map. Our vision, motivation and desire good makes us start the journey!
  8. Focus on abstract goals more than concrete behaviors. Whay does it happen? It’s strange phenomenon, goals should be there to be achieved: often, instead, we see unachievable goals. On e reason is that we DON’T WANT to reach them, as we’re not ready for it. Simple as that!
  9. Seeking to change forever, not for a short time.  It has to do with the small steps attitude. Start small, end big!
  10. Assuming that behavior change is difficult. It’s not! Environment shapes our change. Choose the right one and observe and listen to it! Isn’t that easy?

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